The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
Episode 2: Let's rewrite the stories that no longer serve us

Episode 2: Let's rewrite the stories that no longer serve us

Introducing the Sacred Work framework

Dear fellow creative wanderer,

In this episode, I am so excited to be talking to you about a framework that has and is slowly been emerging through my explorations and discoveries with the various modalities I’ve been working with for the last few years.

The intention is to speak to each of the modalities in their own episode. Therefore, the aim with this one is to really do a quick overview of what the framework entails and to invite you in on the process.

I am also extending an offering your way if any of what I’m talking about resonates or sparks something in you.

And as I’m moving forward in planning out the rest of the episodes in this series, I would love to know if there is anything specific you want me to talk about during the upcoming modality-specific episodes. I’d love to invite you to send me any questions you might have about astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, tarot and journalling and breathwork and breath awareness.

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Looking forward to exploring it all with you in more depth.

Thank you for tuning in.

Sending you my love,


The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
I truly believe that we are all simply walking each other home. With this siren call, I welcome my fellow creative rebels, my magical non-conformists, my cosmic wanderers, my hippie hearts, and my beautiful mystical souls who are here to live out your unique creative self-expression. It is time for each one of us to embrace our magic, to shine our light, and to ripple out our love.