Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Every time I see someone apologize for not writing more, not writing sooner, not posting lately, not being available every second of the day, I think "we aren't supposed to be always available and always communicating and always creating, let's stop apologizing for this ..." and I also have a long history of doing this myself, even MANY MANY MANY times to my own journals, dating back to my childhood. I'm a work in progress and I love seeing my work mirrored in this way.

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That is just it. We project our own patterns and stories out there. We're all simply mirrors to each other. ❤️

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Nice to see you, again, and glad you took time for you and followed what was true for you. I relate to the compulsion to apologize for my absence, and to the yearning for rest and recuperation to be normalized, and to the recognition that I am where I am with my body (and everything else, for that matter), so all I can do is keep learning.

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The change we wanna see starts with us, right? ❤️

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So good to read from you again! I am really deepening my understanding of rest – the most important lesson lately. I don't think I really ever knew what rest was, and struggled to pause. Rarely would I sit and just read for hours, or just look out the window, or just hang out with the cats without my mind telling me I should be doing something more "productive". Returning to the magic of doing nothing is therefore my latest delight!

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I love that for you. May the pause delight you daily. ❤️

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