Jan 28, 2023Liked by Silvia Põldaru

I don't have the capacity to say a lot right now, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading that. Thank you, Silvia!

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Ruth, thank you for making space to read it. I hope you received what you needed. Sending you love. ❤️

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Oh Silvia, this is such a sumptuous feast of delights for the soul. Thank you for your generosity in sharing so much of what delights you. I adore your 4 Ds and can deeply resonate with each one, as they’re part of my life now too, post ADHD diagnosis.

I really love your lunar calendars. They’re crafted with such love. I’m curious to dig out my birth chart later to explore where Gemini sits! 😍

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Thank you Helen for these reflections. Please do share what you discovered about your Gemini, if you feel called to. ❤️

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Well I discovered that it’s in my 8th house - so birth, death, life’s mysteries, rebirth, renewal, transformation, money and property.

Since August 2022, I’ve navigated the journey from realising I probably had ADHD, to diagnosis. This shock has changed the game of life for me. I’m now in an ongoing process of recalibrating and reinventing my entire life/work. The backdrop to this is that after an austere, emotional 3.5 years, my divorce has almost completed!

Incredible how magical life is even when it’s hard. I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio rising ♈️ ♏️ ♏️

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Wow, thank you for sharing. Truly magical indeed. Excited to see where this will all take you. P. S. My moon is Aries 8th House. Not quite sure how I feel about that haha :)

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