The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
Notes from the Virgo season

Notes from the Virgo season

What do you do when your inner critic is running wild?


As the temperature is shifting and the nights are getting longer, I am feeling it. It being the mutable season of Virgo. It’s as if when the Sun entered Virgo, the temperature valve was turned down a notch.

All the external changes have brought a bunch of internal changes too. Can you feel it? Can you feel the shifting of the seasons? Can you feel the spiral turning?

All the shifting has brought a lot of uncomfortable emotions. But in all the shifting a whisper emerged. Actually, the whisper has been there for awhile, I just chose to actually take action now.

Allow me to introduce to you Notes from the Undergrowth. It’s a word I’ve used before. It reflects the restlessness and the stuckness that we humans feel a lot during our lifetime. Instead of numbing it, I’ve learnt to slowly embrace it and be with it. These voice notes are part of that process.

Whilst they’re personal, they also act as permission slips for you to embrace your restlessness and stuckness without feeling the need to shame yourself. It shows your humanity. You’re allowed to be all of it. You’re allowed to be mutable, especially if your Rising Sign is mutable. I mention that in this voice note.

I won’t stick to a set schedule because I know that hasn’t worked for me in the past. The intention is to show up intentionally, wholeheartedly, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes reading from my written notes. The basis of it is rawness, vulnerability, honesty and messiness. Through it all I hope it empowers you to show up with the whole spectrum of emotions. I hope it allows you to feel them all instead of running or hiding or numbing.

This feels very much like the lesson Virgo season is here to teach us - to let go of perfect because there is no such thing. There is only what is until it no longer is. The mutable nature of life itself.

So how can we be with what is?

How do you, dear listener, bring yourself back to the present moment?

The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
I truly believe that we are all simply walking each other home. With this siren call, I welcome my fellow creative rebels, my magical non-conformists, my cosmic wanderers, my hippie hearts, and my beautiful mystical souls who are here to live out your unique creative self-expression. It is time for each one of us to embrace our magic, to shine our light, and to ripple out our love.