The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
V: Our limits are here to liberate us.

V: Our limits are here to liberate us.

Current collective energy insights + exploring the embodiment of our unique energetic frequencies through rewilding our Human Design BodyGraph.

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Hello, fellow wanderer,

I am coming to you on the precipice of the journey to the Aquarian underworld. These are energies we got a taster for around March-June last year and we are now diving deeper. These will be the energies and themes that will be present for us as a collective for the next couple of decades. So, a pretty big shift, right?

Also, magically coincidental, or not, we have been moving through gate 60 with the Sun this week, closing the Human Design rave year.

Gate 60 is known as the Gate of Acceptance, located in our Root center. In Gene Keys it is the Shadow of Limitation , the Gift of Realism, and the Siddhi of Justice. Its partner in Earth this week has been the Gate of Stimulation, 56, with the Shadow of Distraction, the Gift of Enrichment, and the Siddhi of Intoxication.

What are the distractions in your life that are limiting your unique self-expression?

What are the distractions in your life that are using up your valuable energy?

What are you being called to accept on a deeper level about this present moment?

What is the liberation within that acceptance?

I'll be sharing some of my own experiences and insights with this transit whilst also talking about this concept of the embodiment of our uniqueness according to Human Design BodyGraph.

I must say, today’s episode feels pretty potent. I am taking you behind the scenes of what I’ve been experimenting with and hopefully opening up different possibilities for you to start cultivating your trust in your path and your wildly unique process according to your BodyGraph.

I’ll also talk about honouring and embracing the Gate of Confusion in the Head center and allowing ourselves to show up for the messy process of figuring it out as we go along through experimentation and embodiment rather than forcing or pushing for an outcome we think we want.

Whilst this is me honouring my process of experimentation to see what works, and what doesn’t, perhaps it'll be empowering to you as an invitation to lean deeper into your experimentation with your design and really start to feel your limitations as liberation.

I’ll also be sharing about HD and Breathwork and the idea of rewilding our BodyGraphs as a way of transformation and deep healing as the process of becoming an embodied being. What does it all mean? What can it look like? Where to start?

Tune in to get a glimpse.

If you have any questions about Human Design or Breathwork, or the combination of the two, send them in and I’ll happily answer them in future episodes. Alternatively, you can always come and explore your BodyGraph with me in one of my sessions.

Sending you a deep and nourishing breath,


P.S. If you’re on Spotify, I’ve created a fun little poll for us. So head on over and take a vote. ;)

All the ways to connect:

The Untrodden Path

Walking Each Other Home on Spotify

1:1 HD + Breathwork and Breathwork sessions

Astrology + Human Design infusion

The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
I truly believe that we are all simply walking each other home. With this siren call, I welcome my fellow creative rebels, my magical non-conformists, my cosmic wanderers, my hippie hearts, and my beautiful mystical souls who are here to live out your unique creative self-expression. It is time for each one of us to embrace our magic, to shine our light, and to ripple out our love.