I love this so much, you beautifully express it. For me in its simplest form I find it’s a deep deep remembering of our true unique nature, our true essence, and a map back home to ourselves as an individual, and an illumination of our own truest and most easeful path. There are so many layers of course but that is how I would describe it in a sentence!!! Xxx

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Yes, remembering, and re-membering, I've found. Thank you for sharing Lauren. I love your interpretation of it.

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I've been encountering many references to Human Design in the last couple of years but haven't delved deeply into it. Your description of what it means for you makes me much more curious!

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Yes, I find it quite a common thing. We hear about it but never quite dive in. It took me awhile to dive in but once I was in, I was in. I believe the timing is everything. And timing is such a personal thing, right? I'm curious to hear what references you've encountered, if you remember any?

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Yes, timing is definitely a personal thing ... I believe I looked into it superficially at some point trying to get my chart and was unable to proceed because it wanted my birth time which I have never been able to locate (not on my birth certificate, parents don't remember, trauma around the birth etc.) ... It's been mentioned a lot in online business classes I've taken in recent years, just teachers saying how it's helped them. It's also shown up in the therapist community I'm sort of a part of.

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I can see how not having the birth time can be an obstacle. If you ever feel the pull, there are people who can do birth time rectifications. But then again, one can also pose a question whether knowing your Human Design would change anything for you. I thoroughly believe we don't need these self-awareness modalities but they can be useful entrance points to patterns, behaviours, or struggles that may cause us grief. I know for me it provided a useful vocabulary to explore these things in more depth. I'm excited to hear that it has shown up in therapist communities. I can definitely see the value in that if used wisely. Thank you for sharing!

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That all makes sense. My psychology degree is in integral psychology which incorporates a lot of transpersonal and somatic work, eastern philosophy and western psychology. Lots of people in the program were into enneagram so I think they are also drawn to this. I do think every framework offers some kind of insight when you work with it. I suspect I’ll explore this more at some point. Timing as you said.

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Oh wow, that degree sounds interesting. And I absolutely agree, every framework has something that allows us to access our own insights.

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