The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
Notes from the Libra season

Notes from the Libra season

Finally letting go of Knot So Wild and what's next


Coming to you today with a new name. Honestly, it has been a long time coming but I was too darn afraid to let go of it. But when something no longer resonates, it no longer resonates, right? The island air helped me rid myself of some cobwebs.

Also, talking more about the permission slips I wrote for myself. And encouraging you to write some of your own, even if it’s just the act of writing, for now.

I didn’t actually go into the details of what’s next in the voice note but here are a few ideas I’m ready to explore with you:

  • Exploring the magical mundanity through creativity

  • The process of creating a dot work travel journal

  • The process of creating a sacred geometry chakra card set

  • Sharing about my journey to embracing my creative self with the help of the Gentle Tarot deck

(Using this opportunity as that little bit of structure I mentioned in the voice note and as an accountability list for myself.)

Wishing you an illuminating Aries Full Moon this upcoming Sunday. May it ignite your inner fire. May it give you the courage you need to follow your delight.

I will speak to you soon.



P.S. I gotta share the wonderful Lissie here who has a brand new album out. Honestly, just listening to the album has been a massive permission slip to follow whatever lights me up. Plus, she is getting ready to tour so if you’ve not seen her live, I most highly recommend it!

The Untrodden Path
Walking Each Other Home
I truly believe that we are all simply walking each other home. With this siren call, I welcome my fellow creative rebels, my magical non-conformists, my cosmic wanderers, my hippie hearts, and my beautiful mystical souls who are here to live out your unique creative self-expression. It is time for each one of us to embrace our magic, to shine our light, and to ripple out our love.