Sitemap - 2023 - The Untrodden Path

IV: A Solstice meditation to ground in our stillness and spaciousness

Let me tell you what is truly lighting me up right now

A Winter Solstice meditation to ground in our stillness and spaciousness

Let's bathe in the blessing of being

III: Patience as a remedy in a world that likes to rush things

Moonthly Letter XII: The year of uncomfortable growth

II: Breath as a pathway from self-doubt to self-trust

I: The uncomfortableness of being, yet still choosing to simply be

Moonthly Letter XI: On listening within and speaking without

On cultivating our capacity for safety in our bodies so that we can feel safe in showing up as we are

Allowing our creativity to be fierce, wild, free and untamed

Moonthly Letter X: I am tired of thinking and talking about the thing, I simply want to do it

Is it consistency we want or are we simply looking to be reliable?

On living a slow creative life...

Moonthly Letter IX: Thoughts on what it means to consciously surrender and lean into trusting our bodies

What brought you into this life?

On chasing the spotlight instead of being a lighthouse

Moonthly Letter VIII: On endings, beginnings, and the in-betweens

A warm welcome to the Descent

Welcome to The Untrodden Path

Sagittarius Full Moon: It is OK to repoint your arrow as many times as you need to

Moonthly Letter VII: An invitation to planetary explorations through the history of my homeland

Taurus New Moon: What root system are you ready to nurture and nourish?

Episode 2: Let's rewrite the stories that no longer serve us

Scorpio Full Moon: "Trust your instincts and the reasons will come to you."

Moonthly Letter VI: You are right on time.

Aries New Moon, Round 2: The sprouted seeds that are ready to be nurtured

Libra Full Moon: An invitation to revel in that pause between the inhale and the exhale

Moonthly Letter V: The tiredness of chasing things and constantly sowing seeds

Episode 1: Where did it all start?

Aries New Moon: Even the seed needs to die to be reborn

Virgo Full Moon: the mapping of our magical paths

Moonthly Letter IV: Self-tending as a necessity of life

Pisces New Moon: afloat in the current of life

Leo Full Moon: an invitation to shed old skin

Moonthly Letter III: Notes from Mars Retrograde + February Lunar Calendar